dribbling urine中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

#1. dribbling urination 是什麽意思,中文意思| 小便淋沥英文怎麽說
dribbling urination 小便淋瀝,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,傳統中醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#2. dribbling of urine 中文 - 查查詞典
dribbling of urine中文意思::小便淋瀝…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋dribbling of urine的中文翻譯,dribbling of urine的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#3. 認識尿失禁 - 高點醫護網
所謂「應力性尿失禁」(stress urinary incontimence,SUI)是指在肚子用力、腹壓上升、但無逼尿肌收縮情況下,膀胱內壓力超過最大尿道壓力,病人不自主的溢尿。
尿失禁(英語:urinary incontinence,UI;involuntary urination)又称小便失禁,指尿液不由自主 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
dribble urination 中文 意思是什麼 · dribble: vi 1 滴下,點點滴滴地流。2 淌口水,流涎。3 慢慢流動;逐漸消散。4 (籃、足球等)帶球,運球,短傳。... · urination: n.
#6. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
膀胱過動症的定義是以症狀為主,包括頻尿(frequency,每天解尿次數大於8次)、解尿急迫感(urgency)、急迫性尿失禁(urinary urge incontinence),以及夜尿(nocturia, ...
#7. 無尿症 - Wikiwand
下泌尿道症狀(英語:Lower urinary tract symptoms). 夜尿症; 尿急(英語:Urinary urgency); 頻尿症. 尿外滲(英語:Extravasation of urine); 尿毒症 ...
#8. Dribble urine 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典 - InReader
dribble urine 【醫】 尿液滴落,,gt. 運球尿,
#9. 下泌尿道症狀(LUTS)有哪些? - Tiny Notes
... 斷斷續續、排尿疼痛、尿到最後滴滴答答(terminal dribbling)等排尿後症狀(post ... 失禁:定義為任何不自主的漏尿(involuntary leakage of urine) ...
#10. 婦女尿失禁暨頻尿
它常會導致反覆性尿道感染(recurrent urinary tract infections) 、急性或慢性尿液 ... 緩慢(slow stream)及尿後涓滴(post void dribbling),嚴重咳嗽時偶而會漏尿。
#11. 「dribbling醫學中文」+1
dribbling urination. 英汉医学词典. n.滴尿症,小便淋漓. 英汉中医词典. n.滴尿症,小便淋沥. 专业医学词典. 小便余沥,小便淋沥. 与"dribbling urination"相近的词条.
#12. dribbling urination"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
与"dribbling urination"相近的词条 ... dribbling · dribbling after urination · dribbling of urine · dribbling of urine in pregnancy · dribbling overflow ...
#13. dribbling在線翻譯 - 海词词典
dribbling 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks ...
#14. 從"前列腺患疾Prostatism" 到"下尿路症狀LUTS"
S. Gravas (Chair), T. Bach, A. Bachmann, et al. 2016 EAU guidelines on management of non-neurogenic male low urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), including benign ...
#15. Urinary Incontinence in Adults - Genitourinary Disorders
Overflow incontinence is dribbling of urine from an overly full bladder. Volume is usually small, but leaks may be constant, resulting in large total losses ...
#16. Urinary incontinence - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
If medical treatments can't eliminate your incontinence, you can try products that help ease the discomfort and inconvenience of leaking urine:.
#17. Urinary incontinence | healthdirect
Symptoms can range from occasionally leaking some urine, to wetting yourself. Planning ahead can make living with urinary incontinence much easier.
#18. Dribbling After Urination For Male: Causes & Treatments - TENA
Males may experience dribbling after urination which is a loss of a small amount of urine after emptying the bladder. Find out its causes and treatments.
#19. Urge incontinence 中文 - Recstudiomd
"sexual urge" 中文翻譯: 性沖動"incontinence"中文翻译incontinency n. 1.无节制〔尤指纵欲〕;无抑制 ... Urge incontinence is the accidental leaking of urine.
#20. Urinary Incontinence in Women | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Urinary incontinence (UI) is the accidental loss of urine. ... training schedules and prompted voiding to empty the bladder regularly to prevent leaking.
#21. Urinary Incontinence (Urethral Incontinence) in Dogs
Occasionally owners will report dribbling of urine while their dog is walking or after she urinates. In many instances the dog seems unaware of what is ...
#22. Post Micturition Dribble – Men
Post micturition dribble (PMD) or after dribble means the loss of a few drops of urine immediately after passing urine/voiding, when the bladder appears to ...
#23. Care of Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Dripping at the end of urination. Acute urinary retention: sudden onset of inability to urinate despite urinary bladder distension.
#24. What Is Urinary Incontinence? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis ...
Leaking urine during normal activities like lifting, bending, coughing, or exercising; Sudden, strong urges to urinate, or feeling like you might not make ...
#25. urinate - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找urinate的英语中文对照翻译。 ... with associated symptoms of dysuria, urinary frequency, refusal to urinate, or post-void dribbling.
#26. 9 Types of food that trigger Urinary Incontinence
In addition to caffeine, here are 9 kinds of foods and drinks trigger frequent urination. Tomato extracts or tomato-based products; Chocolate; Citric acid ...
#27. 尿流動力暨影像檢查系統(Video-urodynamics )介紹 - 奇美醫院
下泌尿道(lower urinary tract, LUT)包括膀胱、尿道、骨盆底肌肉、附近支撐的筋膜. 及韌帶,成為一個整合的系統。膀胱尿液的灌注(filling)、儲尿(storage)及解 ...
#28. Benign prostatic hypertrophy 中文gta
org Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition encountered in aging men and a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms.
#29. Post-micturition dribble in men: causes and treatment - Gale
Post-micturition dribble is a lower urinary tract symptom that can affect men of all ages, but is predominantly found in older patients.
#30. Dribbling urination - The Free Dictionary
Define dribbling urination. dribbling urination synonyms, dribbling urination pronunciation, dribbling urination translation, English dictionary definition ...
#31. Neurogenic Bladder | Cedars-Sinai
A closer look at neurogenic bladder, which causes symptoms such as urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and dribbling urine.
#32. Neurogenic Bladder | Michigan Medicine
Urinary Tract Infection · Leaking Urine (incontinence) with Overactive Bladder · Frequency in OAB · Urinary Retention/Obstruction with Underactive Bladder · How Can ...
#33. No urinating sign - Valilnica
Do Not Urinate Here - Street Sign - Cape Coast - Ghana You experience frequent or constant dribbling of urine due to a bladder that doesn't ...
#34. Urinary Incontinence and Its Types - Center for Urologic Care
You may experience urinary dribbling all the time. Functional incontinence is when your urine leaks because of the delay in bladder emptying.
#35. Hematuria: The presence of red blood cells in the urine
Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. ... and in men, the prostate – red blood cells are leaking into the urine, requiring further investigation.
#36. How to Use Your Incontinence Clamp
It can also help control leakage and dribbling related to other urinary problems, such as prostate cancer. The clamp works by putting light pressure on the ...
#37. From urgency to burning: What is your urinary system telling ...
The most common symptoms reported include urinary urgency, ... (unable to completely empty your bladder), dribbling, and dysuria (painful urination).
#38. Urinary incontinence | Office on Women's Health
This weakens the muscles and can cause urinary incontinence or leaking. Nerve damage. Damaged nerves may send signals to the bladder at the ...
#39. Getting To Know About Frequent Urination: Part II
Children suffering from this syndrome experience dribbling urine or a weak flow urine stream. Some urine will also remain in the urinary bladder over the ...
#40. Urinary Incontinence Symptoms & Treatment
Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, exercise or do another activity that puts sudden pressure on your bladder. Overflow incontinence happens when your ...
#41. Bladder Problems - National MS Society
Untreated bladder issues can cause: Worsening of other MS symptoms, such as weakness and spasticity; Repeated bladder or urinary tract infections (UTI), or ...
#42. thready的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
Urethral calculus: Pain in urination, thready urination , dribbling urination , or even retention of urine may appear. 4尿道結石: 排尿痛,尿流慢, 呈點滴狀, ...
#43. Vesicoureteral Reflux | VUR Types & Grades - Mercy
Urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through tubes called ureters. ... Dribbling (releasing slight amounts of urine involuntarily); Wetting pants.
#44. Urinary Incontinence - Urology - Northern Light Health
Overflow incontinence is an unwanted loss of urine that occurs when people are unable to fully empty the bladder and involves a frequent or constant dribbling ...
#45. Urinary Incontinence - Green Bay - Aurora BayCare
Incontinence is treatable. Aurora BayCare urology specialists offer the full spectrum of incontinence treatments. No need to put up with leaking urine any ...
#46. Bph 醫學中文
良性前列腺肥大是由前列腺中心的前列腺細胞過度生長引起。. Symptoms may include frequent urination, trouble starting to urinate, weak stream, ...
#47. Voiding Dysfunction | Riley Children's Health
Constipation; Painful urination; Blood in urine; Slow, straining or dribbling urination; A frequent (or infrequent) urge to pee; Pain in the back or ...
#48. 臨床診斷學學習手冊 - 長庚大學
GU:urinary frequency:(no), hesitancy:(no), urgency:(no), dribbling:(no), ... Urinary tract infection with urosepsis, associated with chronic kidney disease ...
#49. 癃闭·肺热壅盛证_百度百科
中文 名称: 癃闭·肺热壅盛证. 英文名称: dribbling and retention of urine with syndrome of exuberance of lung heat. 定义: 肺热壅盛,膀胱不利,以小便不畅或点滴 ...
#50. Trabeculation of the Bladder: Treatments, Causes, Symptoms
Neurogenic bladder symptoms include: a dribbling stream when urinating; an inability to fully empty your bladder; straining during urination; a loss of bladder ...
#51. Urinary Incontinence - Massachusetts General Hospital
Urinary incontinence (UI) is the loss of urine control. ... Symptoms can range from dribbling urine to not having any control over it.
#52. A guide to double voiding and bladder-emptying techniques
These are just some of the problems associated with urinary frequency. While the number of times a person may void urine can vary, a general rule is about 6 ...
#53. Impaired Urinary Elimination Nursing Care Plan - Nurseslabs
Bladder dysfunction is variable but may include loss of bladder contraction and inability to relax urinary sphincter, resulting in urine ...
#54. Prostate Problem Warning Signs | Advanced Urology Institute
You have frequent urination, urinary retention, blood in urine, dribbling or slow flow of urine, problems starting a urine stream, or repeatedly ...
#55. 245 Urine Leakage Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Urine Leakage stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock ... Illustration of a pregnant woman who is impatient with leaking urine ...
#56. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Lower urinary tract symptoms
Dribbling at the end of urination; Feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied after urinating. Straining to urinate; Having strong or ...
#57. Urinary Incontinence in Dogs - PetPlace
What to Watch For. Dribbling of urine; Finding of wet spots where the pet was sleeping; Irritated skin from contact with urine. Finding wet ...
#58. dribbling - Translation into Spanish - examples English
You have urine dribbling, nighttime urination, or difficulty starting your urine flow. Tiene goteo, micción nocturna o dificultad para iniciar el flujo de la ...
#59. Male Cat Urinary Blockages: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
If your male cat has urinary blockage, it means their urethra — the tube that drains urine from the bladder to the penis and out of the body — ...
#60. The 6 Types of Urinary Incontinence | Hollister US
Overflow, A frequent dribble of urine due to inefficient bladder emptying; symptoms are similar to stress incontinence, Many causes, such as spinal cord injury, ...
#61. Oh no, my bladder is leaking - UTI Learning Center
Here's what you need to know about temporary urinary incontinence. It's a pretty common symptom of a UTI—but it should be temporary. UTIs occur when bacteria ...
#62. Benign prostatic hypertrophy 中文gta
Symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction include hesitancy, terminal dribbling, postvoid fullness and double voiding. Symptoms of bladder ...
#63. Daytime Wetting (Urinary Incontinence)
Urinary incontinence refers to the leakage of urine. ... with vaginal voiding trap a small amount of urine in the vagina that dribbles out after voiding.
#64. Don't let an enlarged prostate keep you up at night | UCI Health
Causes of frequent urination · Weak urine flow · Difficulty starting to urinate · Feeling of bladder fullness · Some dribbling of urine ...
#65. UTI in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment - Bond Vet
Do they need to go outside more often, or are they dribbling urine in the house? Any time a dog is showing urinary symptoms, a UTI or bladder ...
#66. How Can Men Avoid Dribbling of Urine? - YouTube
In this video, urologist Kyle Himsl, MD from Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center explains why surgery or medication may be required to ...
#67. GEMTESA® (vibegron) 75 mg Tablets
You may pay as little as $0 for each 90-day supply of GEMTESA with the Simple Savings Program! · urge urinary incontinence: a strong need to urinate with leaking ...
#68. Men's Comprehensive Health Profile | Men's Health Tests
Frequent urge to urinate; Dribbling of urine; Getting up many times during the night to urinate; Blood in urine or semen; Pain or burning during urination ...
#69. Urinary Incontinence - 尿失禁難以控制尿液(小便)何時排出
急迫性尿失禁. Urge incontinence. 此種失禁又稱“膀胱過動症”,您會有強烈尿急(要去小. 便)的感覺,有時那股迫切感強烈至令膀胱不能控制.
#70. What can I do about urinary dribbling? - Harvard Health
Q. I have a regular problem with dribbling after I urinate. What causes this, and can it be helped? A. Many men dribble urine shortly after ...
#71. Dysuria, Frequency, and Urgency - Clinical Methods - NCBI
Dysuria is any discomfort associated with urination. Abnormally frequent urination (e.g., once every hour or two) is termed urinary frequency.
#72. Urine - 尿液檢驗 - 台中榮總
(中文). 尿液檢驗, 檢驗 健保碼. 檢驗 計價碼. 90323901. 檢驗項目. (英文). Urine: pH, Leukocytes, Nitrite,Protein, Glucose, Ketones, ...
#73. 中医中文: 文法与词汇 - 第 169 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Of interest among the terms describing urination are biàn qīng cháng ... urinary incontinence xião biàn lín chì cì tòng , dribbling urination with ...
#74. 失禁
dribbling. Urgency. Leaking on strain or coughing. Frequency. Urinary incontinence. Symptoms of urinary tract dysfunction. 7. Daytime frequency. Urgency.
#75. urine leakage - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"urine leakage" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
dribbling urine中文 在 How Can Men Avoid Dribbling of Urine? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In this video, urologist Kyle Himsl, MD from Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center explains why surgery or medication may be required to ... ... <看更多>